Wednesday, August 15, 2007


My Charlotte's Web program was done prior to the opening of the movie. When participants arrived, they were given an Ellison nametag (spider web).

I prepared a Powerpoint presentation on the book, its author (E.B. White) and the upcoming movie. This is available for anyone who would like it.

Participants had the opportunity to make 5 different crafts based on the movie. They were:

1. Wilbur the Pig Mask--The mask itself was take from Participants colored the maks, cut it out and also cut out the eye holes. A craft stick was glue to the bottom of the mask, behind the area where the mouth is located.

2. "Some Pig" Coloring Sheet--This was a simple coloring sheet with a line drawing of Wilbur, with the slogan "Some Pig" at the top. Participants colored these sheets and then turned them in to me. They were displayed along with photos taken of the day's event.

3. Charlotte the Spider Craft--Participants colored and cut out all pieces. The rectangle piece of the patterns was curled into a cylinder shape and glued or stapled. Legs were then glued or staped to the bottom of the body. Participants drew a mouth on Charlotte and added stick-on eyes to complete her!

4. Let's Make a Farm Wreath--These pre-packaged kits were purchased from S and S Crafts. The kits contained the cardboard circle (which formed the base of the wreath), foam pigs, foam cows with faces, foam horses, foam ducks, and foam barns. These pieces were glued into a pattern of the participant's choice on the circle.

5, Mr. Zuckerman and Lurvy Stick Puppets--Line drawings of both of these characters from the book were colored and then cut out around dotted lines that surrounded them. A small craft stick was glued to the back of each.

Participants also received a variety of handouts, as well as a bookmark entitled "If You Enjoyed Charlotte's Web...Try These..."

Participants enjoyed snacks and drawings for door prizes were held at the conclusion of the program.

Walden Media, when the movie was first out, had an Educator's Guide available online. I do not know if this is still available, but I do have a copy in my program file if anyone would like it!

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