On October 27, 2007, a small but lively group of participants enjoyed an afternoon with Mo Willems' Pigeon character. As participants arrived, they were given car-shaped nametags (Ellison die) by Children's Librarian Barb Scott. It only figures that since the Pigeon wants to drive the bus, he'd like to drive a car as well!
Participants then watched a short Powerpoint presentation on Mo Willems and his Pigeon character, which highlighted the books in the series, as well as other books that the author has written. The Pigeon character actually first appeared in the margins of a book Willems was working on, and, as Willems tells it, the Pigeon pretty much demanded his own book! It is interesting to note that in Willems' newest book Knuffle Bunny Too, the name of the main character is Trixie. This just happens to be the name of Mo's own daughter!
Then, participants were released to work on five different Pigeon-themed crafts. They were:
Participants first colored the puppet patterns, which were copied off onto construction paper. Then these were cut out, using the examples (pictured above). Large/jumbo craft sticks were then added to the back of each and a goggly eye was glued onto the Pigeon puppet!
This colorful bus is just perfect for Pigeon to ride and such a friendly face, to boot! Participants colored all of the pieces that made up the bus and then cut them out and assembled them according to the example (pictured above).
This hot dog is just too cute for anyone to eat, even Pigeon or Duckling! Participants first colored all of the pieces and then cut them out. The hot dog was glued to the bun and then the arms, legs, eyes, nose, and mouth were added, according to the example.
This door hanger is double-sided. Participants first colored the Piegon and the background, if they wished. The hanger was then cut along dotted lines, glue applied to the back of one piece, and then folded.
A coloring page was provided for participants to color and turn in for display in the library.
Snacks were also provided for those present.
Each participant received a goodie bag before leaving for the day. These goodie bags contained Rubber Duck necklaces (purchased from U.S. Toy) and Gummi Hot Dogs (purchased from Candy Direct).
Handouts were also provided for participants to take home. These included word searches, coloring sheets from other Willems' books, and arecipe for the cookies included in Mo's book Edwina, The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct.
ALA also has a complete reading program with Pigeon and his friends available in their catalog!